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Here’s what we’re cooking this week and the recipe links are below! I hope it’s helpful and you get to enjoy a recipe or two.
Monday: Chipotle Burrito Bowls
Tuesday: Classic Chicken Salad with Instant Pot Poached Chicken (make extra chicken for Wednesday)
Wednesday: Farro with Golden Beets, Cucumber, Feta and Mint Vinaigrette and add shredded chicken from Tuesday
Thursday: The Best Honey Lemon Garlic Salmon
Friday: Brussels Sprouts Pizza with Balsamic Red Onions (aka my favorite pizza ever)
Sunday: Black Bean Sweet Potato Enchiladas
Salad for the week: Quinoa Bowls with Creamy Pesto Dressing
Midday snack: Protein Power Bites Recipe
After School healthy treat: Carrot Cake Muffins